Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 74 and Version 75 of TracTickets

Oct 9, 2015, 9:54:50 PM (9 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos

Document adding authenticated sessions. Refs #12227.


  • TracTickets

    v74 v75  
    8181== Assign-to as Drop-Down List
    83 If the list of possible ticket owners is finite, you can change the ''assign-to'' ticket field from a text input to a drop-down list. This is done by setting the `restrict_owner` option of the `[ticket]` section in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini] to `true`. In that case, Trac will populate the list with all users who **have authenticated with the project** and possess the  `TICKET_MODIFY` [TracPermissions permissions].
     83If the list of possible ticket owners is finite, you can change the ''assign-to'' ticket field from a text input to a drop-down list. This is done by setting the `restrict_owner` option of the `[ticket]` section in [wiki:TracIni trac.ini] to `true`. In that case, Trac will populate the list with all users who **have an authenticated session** and possess the  `TICKET_MODIFY` [TracPermissions permissions].
     85An authenticated session will be created the first time a user authenticates with the project. You can manually add an authenticated session using the ["TracAdmin#?session add" trac-admin] `session add` command. The `:1` suffix on the session id (i.e. username) is the key to creating an authenticated session.
     87trac-admin /path/to/projenv session add <sid>:1 [name] [email]
    8589You may find the dropdown list is //overpopulated// with users that are no longer active in the project. Revoking authentication privileges will not remove the session data that is used to populate the dropdown list. The [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] command can be used to list and remove sessions: