Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 114 and Version 115 of TracSubversion

Apr 25, 2013, 3:40:49 PM (11 years ago)


  • TracSubversion

    v114 v115  
    261261 '''Windows Users''' [=#checklist-windows]
    263  According to the README.txt file for the Subversion bindings, if you are using Python 2.5+ you need to rename all the .dll files in the libsvn folder to .pyd files. Upon further research, http://www.python.org/doc/faq/windows/#is-a-pyd-file-the-same-as-a-dll indicates you may need to have both the .pyd and .dll version of the libsvn files available. This resolved both the '`ImportError: No module named _core`' error (with only the DLL) and the '`ImportError: DLL load failed`' (with only the pyd) when testing from the console, and the browser.
     263 According to the README.txt file for the Subversion bindings, if you are using Python 2.5+ you need to rename all the .dll files in the libsvn folder to .pyd files. Upon further research, http://www.python.org/doc/faq/windows/#is-a-pyd-file-the-same-as-a-dll indicates you may need to have both the .pyd and .dll version of the libsvn files available. This resolved both the '`ImportError: No module named _core`' error (with only the DLL) and the '`ImportError: DLL load failed`' (with only the pyd) when testing from the console, and the browser. The same error ('`ImportError: DLL load failed`') is reported when using apache 2.2, see #6739 for details.
    265265 Note that the bindings don't come with all the necessary files, you also need to have svn binaries (`libeay32.dll`, `libsasl.dll`, etc.) available on the path.  If these files aren't available, you will receive the error `ImportError: DLL load failed:`.  Upon investigating with `depends.exe`, I found that `core.pyd` loaded, unloaded, then failed to load. So, when downloading from http://alagazam.net for instance, the Python bindings are not sufficient.  Pick up the subversion binaries as well and put them on your PATH.