Edgewall Software

Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of TracPerformance

Aug 7, 2009, 3:16:01 PM (15 years ago)
Christian Boos

fixed a few more 7490/7940 typos


  • TracPerformance

    v3 v4  
    1919 - serving static resources through Trac: for best performance, they're better served by the web server, see TracCgi#MappingStaticResources (well, and of course, if you're using Trac deployed as a cgi, don't come complain about performance!) [[br]] ''(Note: we should probably move the ''mapping static resources'' section to another page, e.g. [wiki:TracModWSGI])''
    2020 - if using mod_python, only use latest version (3.3.1); prefer mod_wsgi (>= 2.4) (daemon mode)
    21  - repository resync failure which results in a resync attempt for every request - easy to spot in the Trac log (see ticket:7940#comment:36); often due to the "prohibited" MySQL/MyISAM combination (#8067)
    22  - running Trac under QEMU is slow (7940#comment:42)
     21 - repository resync failure which results in a resync attempt for every request - easy to spot in the Trac log (see ticket:7490#comment:36); often due to the "prohibited" MySQL/MyISAM combination (#8067)
     22 - running Trac under QEMU is slow (ticket:7490#comment:42)
    2323 - possible issues when using mod_deflate (#8534,  googlegroups:trac-users:ab070d251f5a0d11); on the other hand, some people have good results with mod_deflate and advise using it (["TracDev/Performance/0.11.5#HowItimed"])
    24  - use of `restrict_owner = true` can be (very) slow on some installations, see  restrict_owner setting? Is it enabled in those problematic installations? (see #4245, #8034, #8212 ...)
     24 - use of `restrict_owner = true` can be (very) slow on some installations (see #4245, #8034, #8212 ...)
    2525 - there was a bug up to 0.11.4 which could cause 100% cpu usage on some platforms (#7785, fixed in 0.11.5)
    26  - some plugins seem to have a high impact on the performance (["TracDev/Performance/0.11.5#customizationsandplugins"])
     26 - some plugins seem to have a high impact on the performance (read ["TracDev/Performance/0.11.5#customizationsandplugins"])