= Trac 11rc1 + MySQL + mod_python on Slackware 12.1 This guide lists the steps to install Trac on [http://www.slackware.com/ Slackware 12.1] with [http://www.mysql.com/ MySQL] and [http://modpython.org/ mod_python]. == Subversion with SWIG One of the requirements is that Subversion is compiled with [http://www.swig.org/ SWIG] support. Therefore if you are using the supplied package, then you will need to recompile as follows: * Remove installed Subversion package. * Compile and install SWIG from [http://slackbuilds.org/ slackbuilds]. * Get Subversion build scripts and source from source cd. * Edit build script and include `--with-swig` in configuration options. * Recompile Subversion and install new Subversion package. * In Subversion source directory (probably in /tmp) do: {{{ make swig-py make install-swig-py }}} == Trac installation Once subversion has been recompiled Trac installation can proceed. First install ez_setup: {{{ python ez_setup.py }}} Next install Genshi: {{{ easy_install Genshi }}} And finally Trac: {{{ easy_install Trac==0.11rc1 }}} == MySQL * Install MySQL package from Slackware, make sure everything is up and running before proceeding. * Compile and install pysetuptools from slackbuilds. * Compile and install mysql-python from slackbuilds. * Set-up the Trac database: {{{ mysql -u root -p create database trac DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; USE trac; CREATE USER tracuser IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT ALL ON trac.* TO tracuser; }}} For the above example the connection string will be: `mysql://tracuser:password@localhost/trac`. == Set-up Trac Create Trac project: {{{ trac-admin /path/to/myproject initenv }}} == Apache setup * Compile and install mod_python from http://slackbuilds.org/ slackbuilds]. * Configure Apache to test Python installation, add the following to `httpd.conf` (location only for tests): {{{ LoadModule python_module lib/httpd/modules/mod_python.so SetHandler mod_python PythonInterpreter main_interpreter PythonHandler mod_python.testhandler }}} * '''IMPORTANT''': Make sure PYTHONPATH is set and that apache can see it: {{{ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/usr/lib/svn-python }}} * Restart Apache. * Point browser to `http://localhost/mpinfo`: you should see info and if so location can now be removed. * Next add to `httpd.conf` Virtualhost config or any other setup you would like. '''Note''': add this VirtualHost config for multiple projects: {{{ DocumentRoot /path/to/trac Allow from all SetHandler mod_python PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /path/to/trac PythonOption TracUriRoot / # used for authentication (refer to manual for more info) # # AuthName "Trac" # AuthType Basic # AuthUserFile /path/to/trac/.htpasswd # Require valid-user # Options FollowSymLinks # Order allow,deny # Allow from all # }}} * Restart Apache. * Point to virtualhost and all should be working. Hope this helps, icebrian