= Getting ClearSilver 0.10.2 to Build on SLES9 64-bit = I used clearsilver-0.10.2, and found that there were problems with the {{{configure}}} script. * It would only look for {{{/usr/lib/python2.3}}}, while the proper path is {{{/usr/lib64/python2.3}}}. * It would not set {{{PYTHON_SITE}}} correctly, because of an apparent typo. The attached patch should fix both of these problems. It should only be used on a 64-bit version, however, since the {{{lib64}}} is hard-coded. So, the way I got it to build properly was as follows: {{{ tar xvfz clearsilver-0.10.2.tar.gz chown -R me:mygroup clearsilver-0.10.2 cd clearsilver-0.10.2 patch configure clearsilver-0.10.2-configure.diff ./configure --disable-apache --disable-perl --disable-ruby \ --disable-csharp --disable-java --enable-gettext \ --with-python=/usr/bin/python make sudo make install }}}