Edgewall Software

Version 160 (modified by Christian Boos, 10 years ago) ( diff )

Add a few notes about the main prerequisites for each version

Trac Download

Trac is released under the modified BSD license.

For installation instructions, see TracInstall or the included INSTALL file.

If you're upgrading from a previous release, please read TracUpgrade carefully.

Latest Stable Release for the 1.0.x line - Trac 1.0.2

Here's the latest and greatest version of Trac, the 1.0.2 release. See the release notes for details.

Tar package

md5sum:392d07ea1d4351c6737b8c51de7dbe0b shasum:b3e58b0a30da9618f3c8f3e981e0cb591db880b1

Windows Zip package

md5sum:4729d7dfa9cb4f12063f001e7d753204 shasum:c66ea948d67ccfac8e2c89f3f32dcbef65789825

Windows installer (32-bit Python)

md5sum:20cb3c8a25367b105b79613b3c2fa827 shasum:88d60446a25551dfea4529270eb8faa8c86f6207

Windows installer (64-bit Python)

md5sum:fd3dd9ef419aabcdb09cdc90c6e54dbf shasum:980f4f4448d0e907abc219c28bcd6c83a64b1129

Again, be sure to read TracInstall and TracUpgrade before installing or upgrading, then proceed by reading the rest of the TracGuide. If you have any trouble, check the TracSupport page which explains how to get help.

About the prerequisites for Trac 1.0.x

  • Python 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
  • Genshi: 0.7 (or 0.6.1) (win32 installer available)
  • Babel: 1.3 (or 0.9.6) needed for localizing Trac, otherwise optional. Note that it needs to be installed before Trac when installing the latter from source (.gz or .zip).

For Windows x64, there are no installers for Genshi and Babel so install them by using easy_install.

Latest Development Release for the 1.1.x line - Trac 1.1.2

The really latest and greatest version of Trac is the 1.1.2 release.

However this is a development release, so a few caveats are in order:

  • don't expect the level of API or feature stability you'll get from either 0.12.x or 1.0.x
  • don't use in production unless you're at ease with backup, upgrade and manual downgrade procedures
  • don't ship this one in your favorite distribution if you're a Trac package maintainer

See the release notes for more details and the download information.

Older Releases

Latest Stable Release for the 0.12.x line - Trac 0.12.6

Note that the 0.12.x release line will be supported for quite some time (LTS - Long Term Support release), at least for any serious issue or security issue that may arise. However, use 1.0.x for new installations and upgrade to 1.0.x whenever possible

Tar package

md5sum:9b855120b43bc8c54b5aee569de00de4 shasum:94d65d1497c33214666896366d67244611ab2f4e

Windows Zip package

md5sum:7483ab96d94b647e8fa8e6132f81dd09 shasum:5d5ee7e97f6e753529bf0d11a211f13051dcca0d

Windows installer (32-bit Python)

md5sum:7e84557d6f53af4b67f77e4e5e25b0ce shasum:b2088cc4211a53c16aa12528c911ddae3e08cc2c

Windows installer (64-bit Python)

md5sum:54255e2633e0afd6b239b4eeb423b3ee shasum:554c459d2739589eca42bf349b57863f88c0261d

Be sure to read the 0.12/TracUpgrade page and the 0.12/TracInstall page.

About the prerequisites for Trac 0.12.x

  • Python 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 or 2.7
  • Genshi: 0.6.1 (win32 installer available)
  • Babel: 1.3 (or 0.9.6) needed for localizing Trac, otherwise optional. Note that it needs to be installed before Trac when installing the latter from source (.gz or .zip).

For Windows x64, there are no installers for Genshi and Babel so install them by using easy_install.

(use easy_install 'genshi<=0.6.1' to avoid installing 0.7 which is not compatible with Trac 0.12.x)

Latest Stable Release for the 0.11.x line - Trac 0.11.7

Note that the 0.11.x release line is no longer maintained, and really, you shouldn't be using it anymore - use 1.0.x for new installations and upgrade to 1.0.x whenever possible (or at least to 0.12.x if you still need to work with Python 2.4)

Tar package


Windows Zip package


Windows installer


Even Older Releases

Older releases and auxiliary files are archived on the FTP server:

Each release is also tagged in the subversion repository:

Latest Development Source Code

We use Subversion for source revision control and code sharing, but we also have Git and Mercurial mirrors.

The Subversion repository URL for the Trac project is at:


Refer to the TracRepositories page for full details about how to get access to the source.

Trac 1.1dev

The latest revision for the upcoming next development release of Trac (next-dev-1.1.x) can be checked out with the following command:

svn co http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/trunk trac

(https: also works)

Be sure to read 1.1/TracUpgrade and 1.1/TracInstall for the specific installation instructions for this version.

Trac 1.0dev

The latest revision for the upcoming next maintenance release of Trac (next-stable-1.0.x) can be checked out with the following command:

svn co http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/1.0-stable trac

(https: also works)

Be sure to read TracUpgrade and TracInstall for the specific installation instructions for this version.

Trac 0.12-stable

The latest revision for the stable version of Trac 0.12 can be checked out from the 0.12-stable branch with the following command:

svn co http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/0.12-stable 0.12dev

Installation can be performed as usual, using for example the following command:

cd 0.12dev
python setup.py install

Alternatively, you can directly "easy-install" the latest stable version from the repository:

easy_install http://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/branches/0.12-stable

easy_install is a script provided by the SetupTools.

Installing versions from checkouts

It's perfectly doable to run Trac directly from a checkout, and that's indeed very useful while developing (see TracDev/DevelopmentEnvironmentSetup).

You can also install a development version, either using the normal installation procedure, or by installing it at a specific location. We recommend that you choose some well visible place (e.g. /opt/trac-0.12dev), and override the PYTHONPATH environment variable (or PythonPath path directive for mod_python) by prepending the /opt/trac-0.12dev/lib/python2.4/site-packages path (replace 2.4 by the Python version that you actually use). That way, you minimize the risk of interferences with the packaged Trac version you probably already have.

cd 0.12-stable
python setup.py install --prefix=/opt/trac-0.12dev


export PYTHONPATH=/opt/trac-0.12dev/lib/python2.4/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

or, in your httpd.conf:

<Location /projects/myproject>
  PythonPath "['/opt/trac-0.12dev/lib/python2.4/site-packages'] + sys.path"

See also: TracProject, TracGuide.

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.