= Checklist of things to do for a release The release steps are described on this page. For more information on the roadmap and schedule leading up to a release, see the RoadMap page. == Version identification The //major.minor.micro// semantic versioning scheme is followed, with guidance from PEP:0440. However, since the //major// version is rarely incremented, we generally refer to a 1.x release a //major// release and a 1.x.y release a //minor// release. In the event that a critical defect is discovered after a release is made, the //micro// version number should be incremented and a new //minor// release created. In the event that a packaging or distribution error results in the need to generate a new package name, a [PEP:0440#post-releases post-release] identifier should be added, starting with `post1`. The post-release identifier is added by editing `tag_build` in [browser:/trunk/setup.cfg setup.cfg]. For example, a filename cannot be reused when uploading to PyPI [https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2015-January/025683.html more than once], so a post-release is necessary in the event of a packaging or uploading error. == Preparing a minor release 1.x.y === 2 weeks before Announce a string freeze on Trac-dev, so that the translators can catch up with the latest changes. Update the TracDev/ReleaseTesting page, ask for testers. === 1 week before Prepare the rc1 packages according to the procedure described below in [#Releasesteps Release steps], test and upload them. Testing period. Only critical or no risk fixes. == Preparing a major release 1.x === Prepare a stabilization branch That way, work can continue on [source:trunk]. Things to adapt in the new stable branch: - the SVN_BRANCH parameter in the AppVeyor configuration (e.g. r14945) === 1 month before Announce a beta1 / string freeze on Trac-dev. === 2 weeks before Prepare the rc1 packages. Testing period. Only critical or no risk fixes. == Release steps === Check the t.e.o wiki * Update the TracChangeLog page. * Verify TracInstall and TracUpgrade. * For major releases: * Check TracDev/ReleaseNotes, go through the tickets which have an empty //Release Notes// field and say a word there. * Check TracDev/ApiChanges. === Check the source ==== Wiki related files * Verify that TracStandalone#Reference matches current `tracd --help`. * Update browser source TracLinks that point to t.e.o (e.g. `trac:browser:branches/1.2-stable`) to the latest stable release //(*)//. {{{#!sh $ grep --color -R -E "trac:(source|browser|repos):" trac/wiki/default-pages/ --exclude=TracChangeLog --exclude=TracLinks }}} * Verify that [source:trunk/trac/wiki/default-pages trac/wiki/default-pages] matches the list of pages in TracProject/DefaultWikiPages. * Update [source:trunk/RELEASE.rst RELEASE.rst] from wiki TracChangeLog (File is named `RELEASE` for Trac < 1.2) //(*)//. * [TracProject/DefaultWikiPages#sync Sync] the wiki. {{{#!sh $ make update-docs # 1.2-stable $ make update-docs prefix=1.0 # 1.0-stable $ make update-docs prefix=1.3 # trunk }}} * Preview ReST using [pypi:docutils]. {{{#!sh $ rst2html.py UPGRADE.rst > UPGRADE.html $ open UPGRADE.html $ rst2html.py INSTALL.rst > INSTALL.html $ open INSTALL.html }}} ==== Other repository files * Remove extraneous whitespace in Python source files using [pypi:reindent]. * Import the translations from Transifex [wiki:TracL10N/Transifex#group3 that have no committers]. * Check the [source:trunk/THANKS THANKS] and [source:trunk/AUTHORS AUTHORS] files. * Check version number in [source:trunk/setup.py setup.py] and [source:trunk/trac/__init__.py trac/__init__.py]. * Check that the jQuery and jQuery UI version numbers mentioned in the help match the actual ones, see for example r11041. * Update copyright year on [browser:/trunk/trac/templates/about.html#/${year} about] page, [source:/trunk/trac/admin/console.py#/(year)s trac-admin] and [source:trunk/COPYING#/2003-20 COPYING] file. * Check whether there are any eligible changesets that have not been merged into the branch. * Compile !CoffeeScript files (//Trac 1.3.2+//): `make coffee` === Prepare packages ==== Prerequisites * Use Python **2.7.9** or later on Windows. * Install Make on Windows. Choosing one of the following is recommended: * make-x.y.z-with-guile-win32-bin.zip from [https://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files ezwinports] * `choco install make` if using [https://chocolatey.org/ Chocolatey] * Install SSH on Windows. * [https://www.putty.org/ PuTTY] works well and can be installed by `choco install putty`. * Create a new virtual environment and install the release requirements: {{{#!sh $ pip install -Ur requirements-release.txt }}} ==== Create dist packages * Check out the release branch and prepare to tag: {{{#!sh $ svn co --depth empty https://svn.edgewall.org/repos/trac/tags $ svn cp ^/branches/1.2-stable trac-1.2.3 }}} * Comment out `tag_build` setting in [source:trunk/setup.cfg setup.cfg]. * Build source archive (tarball) and wheel on Unix: {{{#!sh $ make release }}} * Build Windows exe installers on x86 and x64 (x86-64) platforms. The installer should be built using [https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/ python] for the specified architecture. {{{#!dos > make release }}} ==== Verify installation on target platforms * Smoke test: * Install directly from `dist`. {{{#!sh $ pip install dist/Trac-.whl }}} * create an environment with `trac-admin`, test it with `tracd`. * upgrade an environment created with the previous release' `trac-admin`, test it with `tracd`. * Uninstall and repeat smoke test for `sdist`: {{{#!sh $ pip uninstall Trac $ pip install dist/Trac-.tar.gz }}} ==== Upload packages * Commit the tag directory. * //[https://packaging.python.org/distributing/#upload-your-distributions Upload] the packages to [pypi:Trac PyPi] (*)//. {{{#!sh $ twine upload dist/* }}} * Upload to https://ftp.edgewall.org/pub/trac. * Upload to `dist` in your home directory: {{{#!sh $ make upload version=... }}} * SSH to the edgewall server, move the files to the public FTP directory and update the links: {{{#!sh $ VER=... # Example: VER=1.3.3 $ cd /var/ftp/pub/trac # For older stable release (e.g. 1.0) $ ./make-release.sh $VER 1.0 # For latest stable release (e.g. 1.2) $ ./make-release.sh $VER # For dev release $ ./make-release.sh $VER dev }}} === Finalize the release * Test `easy_install Trac`. * Close [kwquery:release release coordination ticket]. (*) * Mark the finished milestones as //completed// (with the //completed date// preferably being the date that the releases were announced), and change their descriptions from //next// maintenance/development release to //latest// maintenance/development release. * The next set of milestones should have their descriptions changed to //next// maintenance/development release. * The previous set of milestones should have their descriptions changed to remove the ''latest maintenance/development release'' message. * Attach copy of translations statistics chart of Transifex to the milestones. A [/admin/ticket/versions Version] will be automatically created ([browser:trunk/sample-plugins/milestone_to_version.py milestone_to_version.py] is installed). * Upgrade the demo sites. === Announce the release * Post to the following channels: * [gforum:trac-users], [gforum:trac-dev] (all releases) * [gforum:trac-announce], [https://twitter.com/TracProject #TracProject], [gforum:comp.lang.python.announce python-announce] (`python-announce-list@python.org`) * Update the //version// displayed in the #trac IRC //channel entry message// (*) {{{ /msg ChanServ topic #trac "The topic is: https://trac.edgewall.org/ | https://trac-hacks.org/ | Latest version - ." }}} * Update the [wikipedia:trac Wikipedia] page, and in particular the version numbers. === Prepare for development * Add a !TicketQuery progress bar for the next version on the TracDev/ReleaseNotes page, in the #Overview section ([wiki:TracDev/ReleaseNotes/1.2?action=diff&version=7 example]). * Update version number in [source:trunk/setup.py setup.py] and [source:trunk/trac/__init__.py trac/__init__.py]. * Create a release coordination ticket with keyword [kwquery:release]. The //Clone// button can be used on the previous release coordination ticket to pre-populate the fields. * For major releases, update the RoadMap and add a report //Active Tickets for 1.x// (e.g. {42}). //(*) not for beta or rc releases// ---- See also: ReleaseTesting, RoadMap, TracDev