Edgewall Software

Version 5 (modified by figaro, 9 years ago) ( diff )

Then also remove where it ended up.

Python IDEs

In this page some integrated development environments for programming Python in general and Trac in particular are listed.

Eclipse PyDev

PyDev is a Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development. For details see DevelopmentWithEclipseAndPyDev.

Python Tools for Visual Studio

Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS) turns Visual Studio into a Python IDE. It supports Intellisense (code completion), debugging and such.

You can run Trac in debug mode and even debug remotely plugin code. But in a first try it doesn't work reliably.


PyCharm Free Community Edition is a Python IDE by JetBrains available under the Apache 2 license.

It supports code completion, on-the-fly error highlighting, automated code refactorings, debugging.

See also: https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.