= RedMine [http://www.redmine.org/ RedMine] is the latest incarnation of the Trac clones written on top of Ruby on Rails. It is released under the GPL. Much more successful than the late [https://www.openhub.net/p/3827 Collaboa] (discontinued), it's getting more and more popular. And there are indeed lots of good ideas that we could now "steal back" in Trac, in one form or the other: multi-project support (#11025), ticket progress bar (#1084, a long time favorite of mine I never got around implementing), ticket comment editing (#454), bulk ticket changes (#525), etc. And let's not forget ticket dependencies (#31), very important! Also the Ruby-based [https://www.chiliproject.org/ ChiliProject] has been [http://blog.chiliproject.org/community/announcing-end-chiliproject/ discontinued] in February 2015.