Edgewall Software

Change History for NewTicket

Version Date Author Comment
23 5 years Ryan J Ollos Make this page a bit more concise and DRY.
22 5 years Ryan J Ollos Use gender-neutral sentence.
21 9 years Ryan J Ollos Minor reword, Refs #12041.
20 12 years Christian Boos demo-0.13 → demo-1.0
19 12 years Christian Boos add link to TracIdeas and the demo instances
18 13 years Christian Boos added hint about Request-a-Hack tickets on TH (#10188)
17 14 years Christian Boos Make the big red box a bit scarier
16 14 years Christian Boos fix sample custom query (#9330)
15 14 years Christian Boos add a This is not your local Trac notice (#9378)
14 15 years Christian Boos emphasize we don't want tickets for SupportQuestion or InstallationIssue
13 15 years Remy Blank Fixed query for 0.11 issues
12 16 years Christian Boos WrongTrac tickets for VirtualBox are getting more frequent
11 16 years Jonas Borgström Changed from trac-security@… to security@… …
10 16 years Christian Boos update query for issues in 0.11-stable
9 16 years Christian Boos making the e-mail address visible for all
8 16 years Christian Boos hm… checking how mailto: links behave
7 16 years Christian Boos Mention trac-security@… for reporting security issues
6 16 years Mark Mc Mahon Some gramatical changes
5 16 years Christian Boos fix search query sample
4 16 years Christian Boos Now, it's still allowed to create tickets…
3 16 years Christian Boos Another reason not to create a ticket: it's already there…
2 16 years Christian Boos Added three reasons when to not create a ticket
1 16 years Christian Boos Initial version - same as the big red warning