Edgewall Software

Version 12 (modified by Christian Boos, 16 years ago) ( diff )

Add a few more advices and pointers

We Need Your Help!

There are many ways in which you can become involved in the Trac project. Even if you are not a programmer, there are ways that you can benefit from Trac and ways to help make Trac more useful to yourself and others.

You can also find out what's going on in the community by joining the MailingList, where Trac users and developers share information about the project and discuss freely and openly.

If you are interested in "live" communication with the TracTeam, contributors and users, you might be interested in the IrcChannel.

User Feedback

To make Trac better, we need user and developer feedback. Even if you're not a programmer, bug reports, ideas and suggestions are more than welcome.

For bug reports, feature request and feedback, we recommend filing a new ticket in the issue database. You can also assist the Trac team by helping to do ticket triaging, most notably by squashing invalid tickets or finding duplicate issues.

Code Contributions

Naturally, contributions in source code form are more than welcome.

See TracDev for resources about Trac development, in particular TracDev/SubmittingPatches and TracDev/CodingStyle and check the SubversionRepository page for details concerning access to the code.

The following tickets may be good starting points:

  • helpwanted tickets (tickets which are looking for contributors)
  • review tickets (peer review requested)
  • documentation tickets (things that need to be better documented)

To see what are the hot issues, have a look at the ToDo lists and don't forget to look at the Roadmap.


Trac is extensible in a variety of ways. For example, you can add WikiMacros. The MacroBazaar is a good place to share them, as is the Trac Hacks site.

Starting at version 0.9, you can also extend Trac with custom plugins. See TracDev/PluginDevelopment for more information. Again, Trac Hacks is a good place for sharing your plugins.

See also: TracProject, MailingList, IrcChannel, TracTeam

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.