Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #7228, comment 9

Jul 31, 2010, 2:05:46 PM (14 years ago)
Remy Blank


  • Ticket #7228, comment 9

    initial v1  
    1111 * The HTML generated for the raw download links is made much simpler and smaller by using a CSS background image instead of an `<img>` tag, while still ensuring that the icons disappear when printing.
    1212 * The `export:` links now point to `/browser` with `format=raw` instead of `/export`. This allowed better code reuse, and feels more consistent. This also avoid the weird structure of `/export/{rev}/path`.
    13  * Directory names in the repository browser are not wrapped in a `<div>` anymore in `expand_dir.js` (see #5277 and [5362]). This works fine on Firefox, Opera, Chrome and Safari, so that workaround doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.
     13 * Directory names in the repository browser are not wrapped in a `<div>` anymore in `expand_dir.js` (see #5277 and [5362]). This works fine on Firefox, Opera, Chrome, IE8 and Safari, so that workaround doesn't seem to be necessary anymore.
    1515The only remaining question is: '''do the icons in the repository browser make the view too crowded?''' I find them quite discrete, so I would keep them unconditionally. But I'm open to other opinions, in which case we could make them configurable (or document how they can be removed with CSS).