Edgewall Software

Changes between Initial Version and Version 4 of Ticket #10994

Jan 14, 2013, 9:01:03 AM (11 years ago)
Ryan J Ollos <ryan.j.ollos@…>

Updated description with my current thinking on what the final patch will contain.

I've implemented the portion of the patch that enables buttons when checkboxes or a file have been selected. I still have a bit of work to do on the other features, but wanted to post this version of the patch to ask a few questions that will help me complete the implementation. I'll highlight a few parts of the patch that I'm uncertain about and looking for early feedback on:

  1. I've put the disableIfNoneChecked function in trac.js with the idea that it could be useful outside of the administration panels. Specifically, I'm thinking we could use it for the Change tickets button on the batch modify form, and for the Add attachment button on the attachment page.
  2. I'm confused about where I should be placing the CDATA section tags. I don't see any reason to not just place them within every script text=text/javascript element, but I see them very selectively placed in some files.
  3. I've used this pattern change(function() {...}).eq(0).change() (in this case click(function() {...}).eq(0).click() would probably be the same), rather than .click(someFunction); someFunction(); (i.e. passing a function to click and then calling that function directly). Using change seems a bit cleaner and both patterns are present throughout the Trac codebase.


  • Ticket #10994

    • Property Cc leho@… added
  • Ticket #10994 – Description

    initial v4  
    1 A reworked version of th:AdminEnumListPlugin will be provided as a patch to Trac. The behavior will apply to the ''Priorities'', ''Resolutions'', ''Ticket Types'' and ''Severities'' panels.
     1A reworked version of th:AdminEnumListPlugin will be provided as a patch to Trac. The primary behavior will apply to the ''Priorities'', ''Resolutions'', ''Ticket Types'' and ''Severities'' panels, but behaviors will be implemented for almost every admin panel.
    33The following behaviors will be provided in the initial version of the patch:
    55 * The column of select elements is hidden.
    66 * A ''Revert changes'' button is added. The button is disabled until a change is made.
    7  * The ''Save changes'' button is disabled until a change is made.
     7 * ~~The ''Save changes'' button is disabled until a change is made.~~
    88 * The ''Remove selected items'' button is disabled until a checkbox is selected.
    99 * Addition of a ''Select All'' checkbox in the table header.