Edgewall Software

Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#10472 closed defect (duplicate)

TracMercurial ( conflict (hg 2.0) ? — at Version 1

Reported by: spinor Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: version control Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Branch:
Release Notes:
API Changes:
Internal Changes:

Description (last modified by Remy Blank)

While "tracd" seems to run without error, the website is not functional as soon as "tracext.hg.*" is set to "enabled" in trac.ini.

A typical error: Trac detected an internal error: TypeError: plain() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)

(The above occurs for most (all?) buttons/links pressed on the website.)

Traceback obtained when pressing the "Login" button:

Python Traceback

Most recent call last: 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 511, in _dispatch_request Code fragment:Line  
506     try: 
507         if not env and env_error: 
508             raise HTTPInternalError(env_error) 
509         try: 
510             dispatcher = RequestDispatcher(env) 
511             dispatcher.dispatch(req) 
512         except RequestDone: 
513             pass 
514         resp = req._response or [] 
516     except HTTPException, e: 
Local variables:Name Value 
dispatcher <trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher object at 0x0196D410> 
e TypeError('plain() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)',) 
env <trac.env.Environment object at 0x0167C3B0> 
env_error None 
req <Request "GET '/login'"> 
resp [] 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 202, in dispatch Code fragment:Line  
197                         if not req.path_info or req.path_info == '/': 
198                             chosen_handler = self.default_handler 
199                     # pre-process any incoming request, whether a handler 
200                     # was found or not 
201                     chosen_handler = self._pre_process_request(req, 
202                                                             chosen_handler) 
203                 except TracError, e: 
204                     raise HTTPInternalError(e) 
205                 if not chosen_handler: 
206                     if req.path_info.endswith('/'): 
207                         # Strip trailing / and redirect 
Local variables:Name Value 
chosen_handler <trac.web.auth.LoginModule object at 0x0196D3F0> 
chrome <trac.web.chrome.Chrome object at 0x01A52170> 
err (<type 'exceptions.TypeError'>, TypeError('plain() takes exactly 1 ... 
handler <trac.web.auth.LoginModule object at 0x0196D3F0> 
req <Request "GET '/login'"> 
self <trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher object at 0x0196D410> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 344, in _pre_process_request Code fragment:Line  
339                 req.outcookie['trac_form_token']['secure'] = True 
340             return req.outcookie['trac_form_token'].value 
342     def _pre_process_request(self, req, chosen_handler): 
343         for filter_ in self.filters: 
344             chosen_handler = filter_.pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler) 
345         return chosen_handler 
347     def _post_process_request(self, req, *args): 
348         nbargs = len(args) 
349         resp = args 
Local variables:Name Value 
chosen_handler <trac.web.auth.LoginModule object at 0x0196D3F0> 
filter_ <trac.versioncontrol.api.RepositoryManager object at 0x0197A890> 
req <Request "GET '/login'"> 
self <trac.web.main.RequestDispatcher object at 0x0196D410> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 330, in pre_process_request Code fragment:Line  
325             for reponame in self.repository_sync_per_request: 
326                 start = time.time() 
327                 if is_default(reponame): 
328                     reponame = '' 
329                 try: 
330                     repo = self.get_repository(reponame) 
331                     if repo: 
332                         repo.sync() 
333                 except TracError, e: 
334                     add_warning(req, 
335                         _("Can't synchronize with repository \"%(name)s\" " 
Local variables:Name Value 
Chrome <class 'trac.web.chrome.Chrome'> 
add_warning <function add_warning at 0x016108B0> 
handler <trac.web.auth.LoginModule object at 0x0196D3F0> 
reponame '' 
req <Request "GET '/login'"> 
self <trac.versioncontrol.api.RepositoryManager object at 0x0197A890> 
start 1321610762.622 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 526, in get_repository Code fragment:Line  
521             repos = repositories.get(reponame) 
522             if not repos: 
523                 if not os.path.isabs(rdir): 
524                     rdir = os.path.join(self.env.path, rdir) 
525                 connector = self._get_connector(rtype) 
526                 repos = connector.get_repository(rtype, rdir, repoinfo.copy()) 
527                 repositories[reponame] = repos 
528             return repos 
529         finally: 
530             self._lock.release() 
Local variables:Name Value 
connector <tracext.hg.backend.MercurialConnector object at 0x0197A810> 
db <trac.db.pool.PooledConnection object at 0x024E3E18> 
rdir u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
repoinfo {'name': '', 'dir': u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default', 'id': 1} 
reponame '' 
repos None 
repositories {} 
rtype u'hg' 
self <trac.versioncontrol.api.RepositoryManager object at 0x0197A890> 
tid 952 
File "build/bdist.win32/egg/tracext/hg/backend.py", line 382, in get_repository Code fragment:Line  
378     def get_repository(self, type, dir, params): 
379         """Return a `MercurialRepository`""" 
380         if not self.ui: 
381             self._setup_ui(self.hgrc) 
382         repos = MercurialRepository(dir, params, self.log, self) 
383         repos.version_info = self._version_info 
384         return repos 
386     # IWikiSyntaxProvider methods 
Local variables:Name Value 
dir u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
params {'name': '', 'dir': u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default', 'id': 1} 
self <tracext.hg.backend.MercurialConnector object at 0x0197A810> 
type u'hg' 
File "build/bdist.win32/egg/tracext/hg/backend.py", line 505, in __init__ Code fragment:Line  
500         str_path = checked_encode(path, fsencoding, os.path.exists) 
501         if str_path is None: 
502             raise TracError(_("Repository path '%(path)s' does not exist.",  
503                               path=path)) 
504         try: 
505             self.repo = hg.repository(ui=self.ui, path=str_path) 
506         except RepoError, e: 
507             version = connector._version 
508             error = exception_to_unicode(e) 
509             log.error("Mercurial %s can't open repository (%s)", version, error) 
510             raise TracError(_("'%(path)s' does not appear to contain a" 
Local variables:Name Value 
connector <tracext.hg.backend.MercurialConnector object at 0x0197A810> 
enc u'utf-8' 
encoding [u'utf-8', 'latin1'] 
fsencoding ['mbcs', u'utf-8', 'latin1'] 
log <logging.Logger instance at 0x0169C0A8> 
params {'name': '', 'dir': u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default', 'id': 1} 
path u'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
self <tracext.hg.backend.MercurialRepository object at 0x01C8EBF0> 
str_path 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
to_s <function to_s at 0x00C96370> 
to_u <function to_u at 0x02514EF0> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/hg.py", line 93, in repository Code fragment:Line  
88             return False 
89     return repo.local() 
91 def repository(ui, path='', create=False): 
92     """return a repository object for the specified path""" 
93     repo = _peerlookup(path).instance(ui, path, create) 
94     ui = getattr(repo, "ui", ui) 
95     for name, module in extensions.extensions(): 
96         hook = getattr(module, 'reposetup', None) 
97         if hook: 
98             hook(ui, repo) 
Local variables:Name Value 
create False 
path 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
ui <tracext.hg.backend.trac_ui object at 0x0197A290> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.py", line 2098, in instance Code fragment:Line  
2093     base, name = os.path.split(fn) 
2094     assert name.startswith('journal') 
2095     return os.path.join(base, name.replace('journal', 'undo', 1)) 
2097 def instance(ui, path, create): 
2098     return localrepository(ui, util.urllocalpath(path), create) 
2100 def islocal(path): 
2101     return True 
Local variables:Name Value 
create False 
path 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
ui <tracext.hg.backend.trac_ui object at 0x0197A290> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.py", line 41, in __init__ Code fragment:Line  
36         self.wopener = scmutil.opener(self.root) 
37         self.baseui = baseui 
38         self.ui = baseui.copy() 
40         try: 
41             self.ui.readconfig(self.join("hgrc"), self.root) 
42             extensions.loadall(self.ui) 
43         except IOError: 
44             pass 
46         if not os.path.isdir(self.path): 
Local variables:Name Value 
baseui <tracext.hg.backend.trac_ui object at 0x0197A290> 
create False 
path 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
self <mercurial.localrepo.localrepository object at 0x01A4D470> 
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/ui.py", line 96, in readconfig Code fragment:Line  
91                 if k in cfg['ui']: 
92                     del cfg['ui'][k] 
93             for k, v in cfg.items('defaults'): 
94                 del cfg['defaults'][k] 
95         # Don't remove aliases from the configuration if in the exceptionlist 
96         if self.plain('alias'): 
97             for k, v in cfg.items('alias'): 
98                 del cfg['alias'][k] 
100         if trusted: 
101             self._tcfg.update(cfg) 
Local variables:Name Value 
cfg <mercurial.config.config object at 0x01B01F70> 
filename 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default\\.hg\\hgrc' 
fp <open file 'C:\Daten\ibp\default\.hg\hgrc', mode 'r' at 0x0160DC28> 
remap None 
root 'C:\\Daten\\ibp\\default' 
sections None 
self <tracext.hg.backend.trac_ui object at 0x01B01AF0> 
trust False 
trusted True 

File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 511, in _dispatch_request
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 202, in dispatch
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/web/main.py", line 344, in _pre_process_request
  chosen_handler = filter_.pre_process_request(req, chosen_handler)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 330, in pre_process_request
  repo = self.get_repository(reponame)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/trac/versioncontrol/api.py", line 526, in get_repository
  repos = connector.get_repository(rtype, rdir, repoinfo.copy())
File "build/bdist.win32/egg/tracext/hg/backend.py", line 382, in get_repository
  repos = MercurialRepository(dir, params, self.log, self)
File "build/bdist.win32/egg/tracext/hg/backend.py", line 505, in __init__
  self.repo = hg.repository(ui=self.ui, path=str_path)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/hg.py", line 93, in repository
  repo = _peerlookup(path).instance(ui, path, create)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.py", line 2098, in instance
  return localrepository(ui, util.urllocalpath(path), create)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/localrepo.py", line 41, in __init__
  self.ui.readconfig(self.join("hgrc"), self.root)
File "C:/Python26/lib/site-packages/mercurial/ui.py", line 96, in readconfig
  if self.plain('alias'):

System Information:
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

Trac 0.12.2 
Babel 0.9.5 
Docutils 0.7 
Genshi 0.6 
Mercurial 2.0 
Pygments 1.4 
pysqlite 2.4.1 
Python 2.6.5 (r265:79096, Mar 19 2010, 21:48:26) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] 
pytz 2010o 
setuptools 0.6c11 
SQLite 3.5.9 
jQuery 1.4.2 

Enabled Plugins:
tracmercurial c:\python26\lib\site-packages\tracmercurial- 

Change History (1)

comment:1 by Remy Blank, 13 years ago

Component: generalversion control
Description: modified (diff)
Resolution: duplicate
Status: newclosed

Looking at the traceback, this really is a duplicate of #10336, and was fixed in [10698], but we haven't made a release of the plugin since then ( is at [10620]). In the meantime, please install the plugin from SVN directly.

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